Note that there might be your backend between your application and LiftIgniter API endpoints if you're doing a backend integration.
General overview of our API endpoints:
- `Inventory endpoint` is used to send us information about your inventory items (such as your videos, articles, or products). This is the universe of items from which we recommend. We have an [inventory POST endpoint](doc:inventory) to post inventories, an [inventory lookup GET endpoint](doc:inventoryid) to look up details of an inserted inventory item, and an [inventory DELETE endpoint](doc:inventory-1) to delete already existing inventory items.
- `Activity endpoint` receives activity data from user using your application. For what kind of data you can send us, please refer to the [activity POST endpoint](doc:activity-1) documentation.
- `User endpoint` receives User data (optional) from your application. Note that this isn't required. Use it if you think that any information that you have about the user will be helpful to improving recommendations. There is a [user POST endpoint](doc:user) to post user data, a [user lookup GET endpoint](doc:userid) to look up data for an existing user, a [user DELETE endpoint](doc:user-1) to delete data about an existing user.
- Data from these 3 endpoints are sent to LiftIgniter, which immediately starts processing those data to update Model endpoint.
- `Model endpoint` returns recommendations for the user based on the context of user's current behavior. You can read about the [model POST endpoint](doc:model).